21 January 2010

whispered wishes

Life with our sweet 3 and-a-half year-old Lorcan just could not be more entertaining. He is full of chat, has already mastered the delicate art of sarcasm, does not like to be sermoned (recently interrupting one of my lectures with a casual: "yeah, yeah, mum... blah, blah") and, most of all, he just loves to make us laugh.
Lately he's been doing a lot of staring pensively into the distance and then quietly pronouncing a new and special wish. It's not so much what he wishes for... it's how he says it: dead-pan serious, like he's having some sort of philosophical epiphany. Even when we burst out laughing, he just keeps staring off into the distance, all enthralled, imagining what it really would be like if his wish came true.....
Just some of the things Lorcan has been wishing for lately:
“I wish it would rain popcorn”
“I wish I could fly like my balloon”
“I wish I could swim in ice-cream”
“I wish I could sleep awake”