07 November 2006


I haven't seen Liam and Malachy for almost 9 days now and it's really killing me. I miss them both so much, it really hurts. Jaime and I are in Barcelona with Lorcan while he's recovering from the cleft lip surgery he had last Tuesday. He's doing really well and we're all dying to get back home to the boys. We chat on the phone every evening and for the past three days my conversations with Liam have ended something like this:

Me: OK, Liam, we better say goodbye now love...

Liam: Mammy?

Me: Yes, Liam?

Liam: (Pause) (worried tone) Can I give you a kiss?

Me: Oh yes, please!

Liam: *smuak*

Me: *smuak*... I love you

Liam: (sounding happier now) OK, bye Mammy!

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