16 December 2007

mental photographs

Sitting on the loo...

Liam: You know, sometimes I take photos with my brain.

Mummy: Oh! And how do you do that?

Liam: I just look at something and look at it... and look at it... and make it slow down really slow... and then I take a photo of it with my brain.

Mummy: And why do you do that?

Liam: So that I can take it with me and remember it another time.

A while later in the kitchen...

Liam: See! I just took a photo of you with my brain just then!

Mummy: When?

Liam: Just now when you were taking out the yoghurt. Now I can keep that in my brain and look at it tomorrow when I'm at school!

Mummy: I think that's cool.

Liam: Yeah, it is.


contemporary themes said...

I love this! What a great idea! I love that he's gonna look at it at school tomorrow. SWEET!

JP (mom) said...

Precious, absolutely precious!