29 October 2006

peter pan

Me: Liam, what do you want to be when you grow up?

Liam: (Straight face, no hesitation) Small!

Me: (Perplexed) How small?

Liam: (Touching the top of his own head) Small,.. like me!

Me: (Presuming he didn't get the question right) Huh?

Liam: Small, like me, now! I don’t want to grow up! I want to be a little boy forEVER!

Me: Oh, Liam, but being a big man is fun too!

Liam: I don’t want to be a big man. A big man has to work and I just want to PLAY!

1 comment:

JOY said...

awh bless you own little "peter pan"!

Aren't kids just so innocent.

Love the blog!