“I wish I could swim in ice-cream”
21 January 2010
whispered wishes
“I wish I could swim in ice-cream”
28 December 2009
Is it getting dark, Mummy?
Mummy? Why is it getting very dark?
Will I tell you why it’s getting very dark, Mummy?
Because the morning is [whispering for dramatic effect:] starting to disappear.
Yes. Because you know, Mummy,... the morning can disappear.
And the dark too.
Everything can disappear!
21 December 2009
don't be long
31 March 2009
storybook life
inventor no more
Mummy: -interrupting- Die???
Liam: Yeah, like in an explosion or something. And I don’t want to die, so I’m going to be a drummer instead.
19 December 2008
and i quote
09 December 2008
21 November 2008
words *are* treats
Malachy: Treat day!
Liam: Yeah. But I was going to say: Friday is spelling test day. And I love spelling tests!!
*He's not a geek. But he is a word-eating monster.
19 September 2008
let 'em eat cake
When people are dying... you just give them cake.
11 September 2008
you know what i think?
Mummy: What?
Liam: I think that everyone who's in a wheelchair is really a mermaid.
Mummy: Like the character in your Superman comic?
Liam: Yeah.
Mummy: I think that's a really beautiful idea, Liam.
Liam: I know. And you know what?
Mummy: What?
Liam: At first I thought it was just her, but now I think that it's all the people who are in wheelchairs... but they just keep it a secret. And when they get in the water they can swim... wow... they can swim better than... they can swim the best.
09 May 2008
marriage and babies
Mummy: I love you that much too, pet.
Liam: When I grow up, I’m going to marry you, Mummy.
Mummy: No, Liam. I’ve told you this before… you can’t marry me because I’m already married to Daddy.
Liam: Oh yeah. But if I can’t marry you, then who can I marry?... And if I can’t marry anyone, then how will I get a baby?!
Mummy: Liam, you don't have to worry about having babies just yet... or getting married -or not- for that matter. And, anyway, if you do get married, it'll probably be to someone you don’t even know yet. It's not going to happen for a long time.
Liam: No, stop!... Actually. It’s ok, Mummy. Forget it! If I can’t marry you, I’ll just wait till I’ve grown up and then I’ll travel around the world looking for the people who don’t want their babies, and I'll get them and take care of them.
05 March 2008
me and my big mouth!
Today, he decided he needed to intervene in a fight between his two big brothers (yes, of course, they fight... they're brothers!).
"Mummy, Mummy, Mummy, Mummy...." he yelled from the hallway into the kitchen.
"Yes, love, I'm on my way", I replied
"Mummy, Mummy, Mummy, Mummy...." he yelled persistently until I managed to get to his side.
"Ee-am hitt-een Ma-ky... Ee-am hitt-een Ma-ky... " he repeated hysterically. (Translation: "Liam is hitting Malachy")
"Why you naughty little telltale you!" was my only thought.
death, a reprise
03 March 2008
girl talk
Mummy: Why?
Liam: Because girls talk cute.
Mummy: awww
Liam: I wish I had a sister!
Mummy: But you have brothers! I never had a sister either you know.
Liam: You didn't have a sister, but you were a sister!!
01 March 2008
but why?
15 January 2008
because I'm a [small]talker too...
when i don't know what to say...
16 December 2007
mental photographs
Liam: You know, sometimes I take photos with my brain.
Mummy: Oh! And how do you do that?
Liam: I just look at something and look at it... and look at it... and make it slow down really slow... and then I take a photo of it with my brain.
Mummy: And why do you do that?
Liam: So that I can take it with me and remember it another time.
A while later in the kitchen...
Liam: See! I just took a photo of you with my brain just then!
Mummy: When?
Liam: Just now when you were taking out the yoghurt. Now I can keep that in my brain and look at it tomorrow when I'm at school!
Mummy: I think that's cool.
Liam: Yeah, it is.
12 December 2007
18 November 2007
17 November 2007
16 November 2007
03 October 2007
Liam's first ever poem
Eating lots of bananas,
Where do you think he put the skin?
Into the king's pyjamas!
* * *
by Liam
aged 5 years, 1 month
* * *
a poem by Liam, age 5
Buzzing around my nose...
(And what do you think happened next?)
He said:
"I beg your pardon,
I thought you were a garden"
* * *
by Liam
aged 5 years, 1 month
* * *
23 July 2007
28 June 2007
broken hearts
10 June 2007
mummies and daddies
Maeve: Come on, Liam! It's time to play now!
Liam: OKAAaay... But if we're going to do that baby thing with Malachy again, can I be the Mummy this time???
Liam: Yeah, yeah... these love birds are very cute but they can bite your finger!
20 May 2007
forgetting again
Malachy: Yeah, Daddy 'don 'a 'Lalona
Liam: When are you going to Barcelona with Lorcan, Mummy?
Mummy: On Thursday.
Liam: When Mummy goes to Barcelona, you and me will sleep in Granny's house.
Malachy: Oh, wow!
Liam: And we'll take Nemo and Bob [the new goldfish] with us too
Malachy: Oh, wow!
Liam: Mummy?
Mummy: Yes, Liam?
Liam: And this time when you're all gone to Barcelona I think I'm going to forget the English words!!!
[See what I meant about awareness*]
Mummy: I know you do, honey. Me too.
Liam: And if you went away, I wouldn't be able to love you
Mummy: Why?
Liam: I don't know
Mummy: You can love people even when they've gone away, you know.
Liam: Can you?
Mummy: Yeah. Uncle Eric's gone away and we still love him, don't we?
Liam: Yes... but that's not YOU, Mummy!!!
14 May 2007
i wish

10 May 2007
~Did he die here Mummy?
~When’s he going to be alive again?
~Mummy, I don’t think he’s really dead. He just hurt his hand and the doctor is going to make him better.
~When did he die?
~When are you going to die, Daddy?
~Will you wait until I’m a big man? And then wait until you’re really old and I’m really old before you die?
~You know Mummy, sometimes babies die. My friend T. told me that.
~Mummy, tell me about all the people here who died.
09 May 2007
Granny: Shay! Careful! Don't let him stay down there so long! All the blood will rush to his head!
Liam [Jumping up instantly and speaking in a tone of sheer morbid excitement]: Blood! What blood! Where?!!
07 May 2007
Mummy: Spanish, Liam, say it in Spanish. You know that Abuela doesn't understand English
Liam: [tone of frustration] I know!! But I can't remember all the words!
Mummy: That's ok but keep trying...
Liam: [tone of blame] You know when I forgot the words? Remember when Lorcan had the "pupa" on his lip and you and Daddy went to Barcelona with him for a long, long, long, long, long, long time? And the doctor fixed Lorcan's "pupa" but you didn't come home for days and days and days and days and lots and lots of long, long days? Well, that is when I forgot the words!!
We were gone for just over two weeks and, although he still understands Spanish perfectly and speaks quite a bit, he's right, those two weeks of unfortunate separation form all spoken Spanish left their mark :( He's getting better by the day though, thanks to Daddy, Abuela and lots of stories about "piratas", "animales", "dinosaurios" and "aventuras" of all kinds.
Mummy: That's right!
Liam: Can we make him a birthday cake and put his number on it like we did for Lorcan?
Mummy: Sure we can!
Liam: Eighty-one is a lot of numbers. [Thoughtful pause]... And when all his numbers are gone, great-granddad will be dead.
Mummy: Um, yes... and won't we all!
02 May 2007
eternal darkness
Mummy: um...
Liam: Because if the cock-a-doodle-doo doesn't wake up the sun, then the sun doesn't come up, and then it stays dark.... forever!
Mummy: um... maybe someone else could wake up the sun instead.
Liam: Like me?
Mummy: Why not?
hairy legs
Liam: Mummy, are you turning into a man?
29 April 2007
Liam: I did. There's a remote control in my willie.
Mummy: *dumbfounded*
28 April 2007
malachy speak
Mummy: and what's that?
Malachy: that's my belly
Mummy: mhm, and what's that?
Malachy: that my belly-button.
Mummy: and what are they (pointing at nipples)
Malachy: they my buttons
23 April 2007
growing up
Liam: But I don’t want to grow up!
Mummy: Why is that, love?
Liam: Because Daddy loves me just the way I am!
on death, again...
Mummy-I don’t know that, Liam. Nobody knows that.
Liam -Yes but are you going to wait until I grow up before you die?
Mummy- Yes, of course I am, darling.
Liam -Thank you, Mummy.
easter bunny
Liam: I saw the shadow of Mr. Potato Head in the bag the other day and now I realise that YOU are the Easter Bunny, Mummy, because YOU put the Easter eggs behind the sofa! Now I realised that there’s no such thing as the Easter Bunny!
This cannot be happening! He's only 4!!!! We OBVIOUSLY told him we have no idea what bag he's talking about and that it must have been the Easter Bunny's bag because we've never seen that Mr. Potato Head Easter Egg before in our lives. Honest!
brain yet again?
Liam: Mammy! Don’t tell me stories about vampires because they make me scared. I had a dream in my brain and it was really strange...
brain again
Liam: I have “mocos” (Spanish for mucus, i.e. snot) in my brain.
-But HOW did she die?
-So has she MELTED now?
-Did she do this? (hands making movement from wide to narrow... symbolising her getting smaller and smaller until nothing is left)
-I know where Saoirse went. She went were dogs and cats go. To Barcelona like Chili.
-If Saoirse died because she was sick, when I'm sick am I going to die?
-If you die when your really old, is great-granddad going to die?
Liam: Mummy, did you just pet me?!!
Mummy: Huh!?
Liam: Oh, yes, of course! It’s ok, I remember everything now. I got my remember back!
dress up
Liam: Next year for Halloween I want to dress up as a ballerina, an egg, a pirate or a bee!
Liam: Did you hear Lorcan?
Me: No. Did you?
Liam: No. I was just using my imagination. That was all.
Pause And it wasn’t a dream. It was REAL!!
two and a half days into Daddy’s 8-day absence
at the library with granny...
Granny -Yes Liam?
Liam -You know, nobody here at the library will think that you’re a granny. They’ll think you’re just an old mummy.
ball games
Laim -What’s rugby?
Me -It’s a sport you play with two teams and a rugby ball... and... um...
Liam -And what do you have to do?
Me -I’m not sure of the rules but you have to try to keep the ball and run around the pitch and score a try... um... I think...
Liam -Ah yeah, I know!! You have to get the ball into a basket thing!
Me -No, that’s basketball!
Liam -OK. So where do you put the ball in rugbyball?
Me -Maybe you should ask Daddy!dress secret
Me: Sure
Liam: Today I’m going to dress myself. But don’t tell anyone. It’s gonna be a surprise.
Me: Great! OK. I won’t tell anyone.
Liam: Do you promise?
Me: I promise.
Liam: Mammy when it’s 6 o’clock I gonna….
Me: Do that secret thing?..
Liam: SSSSsshhhh!!!! (running over to hush me)
Liam: (whispering in my ear) Don’t even say “secret thing”. OK?
Me: OK
Liam: You promise?
Me: I promise
Liam: OK
Walks away and plays as if nothing had happened. 6 o’clock comes and goes and he continues playing, oblivious.
So much for really important secrets!
Liam: Mummy, what's ***?
Mummy: I don't know.
Liam: Daddy, what's ***?
Daddy: I don't know.
Liam: Mummy, what's ***?
Mummy: I don't know.
Liam: Well, you must know something!!!
always mummy
Mummy: Yes?
Liam: You know, when I’m big like daddy, you’ll still be my mammy.
Mummy: I know *smile*
18 December 2006
Santa Claus is coming to town....

Me: So, Liam, what are you going to ask Santa Claus to bring you this year?
Liam: A surprise!
Me: That's a really great idea. What do you think he'll bring me?
Liam: Hmmmm (thoughtful pause).... I know! He could give you a rainbow!
Me: (in awe) A rainbow... wow!
Liam: Yeah! Santa Claus just goes like this (big sweeping movement with arm) and makes a rainbow for you!

17 December 2006
the king
Liam has been cast as one of the Three Wise Kings in the Nativity play at his school! I brought him this fabulous Wise King costume back from Barcelona yesterday and I must say, no sooner was it on his back when he began to really get into character:
Me: Wow! You look gorgeous Liam!
Liam: Don't call me Liam Mammy!! You have to call me King Liam! (Pause)... Or Your Majesty...
Me: Oh! Why, yes of course, your majesty!

13 December 2006
the big difference between boys and girls
He holds up a little toy figurine to show me. It’s a figurine of a little girl with shoulder-length brown hair, wearing a sunhat and a swimsuit and holding a bucket in one hand and a spade in the other.
Me: Yes, Malachy. Is that your little friend?
Malachy: Yep.
Me: She’s lovely!
Malachy: May-de isa durl (Translation: “Maybe it’s a girl”)
Liam: (Butting in) Of course it’s a girl! This is the boy!
Liam shows me a similar little figurine of a boy with short blonde hair wearing football gear and holding a ball.
Me: But how do you know which one's the boy and which one's the girl?
Liam: You know that Mammy!! (looking up to the heavens and sighing in exasperation). Because of the EYES!! Look?!
Pointing to the tiny little eyelashes on the girl doll and the lack of eyelashes on the boy doll
Liam: See?!
Malachy: Yep.
I miss...
Liam: Mammy, I miss Granny and Granddad
After 3 days he said...
Liam: I miss Miss Cooney (his teacher)
After 4 days he said...
Liam: I miss my friends from school
His order of priority seemed so touching to me…!
30 November 2006
Liam: You know? I had a dream that I was a cup!
Me: A cup?
Liam: Yeah. And when I was a cup I was wishing that I was a Liam
27 November 2006
brotherly love!?
Liam: Malachy? Do you love me?
Malachy: Yeah
Liam: Malachy? Do you love me 20 euros?
Malachy: Eeeemm... Yeah!
26 November 2006
At the dinner table, Liam is pretending to be a magician and he hides his fork behind his back…
Liam: You see? It disappeared!
Me: Wow! And where did it go?
Liam: It just disappeared!
Me: But where do things go when they disappear?
Liam: To Japan.
Me: Oh!
Liam: And do you know who else is in Japan?
Me: No, who?
Liam: Cinderella… and the 3 little pigs… and the muffin man…
Me: No way! And do you know who else lives in Japan?
Liam: Of course! (eagerly) Séan and Sarah!
Just in case you didn’t know, that last part is in fact true. Séan and Sarah are Liam’s cousins who do, in effect, live in Tokyo. I think this proves that he thinks wherever they live must be a really mysterious fairytale place…
Liam: (At the playground) Mammy, do you see that little house over there?
Me: Yes
Liam: That's where you go to sit when you're tired and you want to have a rest
Me: Really?
Liam: Yeah. You know how I know that?
Me: No, how?
Liam: (deadly serious) Because I know things. I just know lots of things...
24 November 2006
mad old cow
Liam playing with his toy animals, doing all the voices and multiple role-plays in his little imaginary world...
Liam: Mammy, here (handing me a brown plastic toy cow)- you be the mad old cow and I'll be the nice little horse
Me: OK, great...
22 November 2006
the winner
Liam: Let's have a race!
Malachy: O-tay (translation "OK")
Liam: Let's see if I'll be the winner. I'm bigger than you so I'm gonna be the winner
Malachy: O-tay
Liam: You see when I was a baby and Mammy was a boy, then Mammy was the winner of the race because she was bigger than me.
Malachy: O-tay
eye spy
21 November 2006
Liam: I know what a shadow is!
Me: OK, what is it?
Liam: Well, its a sort of a person... that goes with a person... but it's another person...
Me: Um, yeah...
20 November 2006
My father's dog Saoirse died this weekend. Liam has some questions about death:
Liam: When you die, what happens? Does somebody come and take you away?
* * * *
Liam: I know a way you can die. If somebody kills you, then you die.
* * * *
Liam: If Granny and Granddad are so sad because Saoirse is gone, maybe I can go in there and cheer up them....
* * * *
Liam: When am I going to die? Does everybody have to die? I don't want to die!
* * * *
Malachy (age 2): (Holding up his last piece of sausage -the piece that he always saved for the dog) Saoirse? (Pause. Sigh)... Poor Saoirse
18 November 2006
dark white
Liam: Mammy, I can't find my toy car!
Me: Which one?
Liam: You know... the one that's red and dark white
Me: Dark white?! What colour is that?
Liam: It's this colour, look!... Points at cream-coloured tablecloth!
15 November 2006
spot the difference
At dinner, as usual, Liam is lagging behind everyone else...
Liam: Hey, I know! Let's play 'spot the difference'
Me: Oh, that's easy... your plate's different to everyone elses' because ours are almost empty and yours is still almost full! Come on, eat up!
Liam: No, Mammy, 'spot the difference' is not a race. Oh! But if this is a race, maybe I should eat faster then!
Me: Um, yeah... whatever...
it ain't easy being good...
Me: Liam! Why are you being so bold?! I hope you don't behave like this in school!
Liam: No, I'm always good in school Mammy!!
Me: So, why are you so naughty at home?
Liam: Well, I'm only in school for a little time, Mammy,... but I'm at home ALL day!!
11 November 2006
better than you
Liam: Granny,... Grandad's better than you!
Granny: (disappointed) Why is that?
Liam: Because he does better things than you. He takes me to the park and we have picnics and adventures...
Granny: Oh...
07 November 2006
After 9 whole days of separation, on the phone today:
Liam: Mammy, I don't know what you look like!
Me: (grappling with my emotions) Well, you know what? I look a lot like you!
Liam: giggles
I haven't seen Liam and Malachy for almost 9 days now and it's really killing me. I miss them both so much, it really hurts. Jaime and I are in Barcelona with Lorcan while he's recovering from the cleft lip surgery he had last Tuesday. He's doing really well and we're all dying to get back home to the boys. We chat on the phone every evening and for the past three days my conversations with Liam have ended something like this:
Me: OK, Liam, we better say goodbye now love...
Liam: Mammy?
Me: Yes, Liam?
Liam: (Pause) (worried tone) Can I give you a kiss?
Me: Oh yes, please!
Liam: *smuak*
Me: *smuak*... I love you
Liam: (sounding happier now) OK, bye Mammy!
02 November 2006
Me: (On the phone to my mum who's currently minding Liam and Malachy) So,... how are they behaving?
Granny: Oh, they're being really good
Lots of background noise.
Me: Wow! Sounds like they're really getting into it!
Granny: They're really well-behaved ALL the time EXCEPT when I'm on the phone!! (Muffled voice) Boys! Come on be good now, I'm on the phone to mammy!! Play nicely, please! I can't hear anything!
Liam: (to Granny) But I want to play NOISY, Granny!
More laughs, giggles, squeals, etc...
29 October 2006
so, where are we going?
Liam: (looking at me trying on my new coat) Where are we going?
Me: Nowhere
Liam: So why are you putting on your coat?
Me: Oh, I'm just trying it on
Liam: We're not going anywhere today?
Me: Well, actually... today you and Malachy are going to go and stay in Granny's house and Daddy and me are going to Barcelona with Lorcan to see the doctor who's going to make his lip better.
Liam: You mean you're wearing your new coat so the doctor will see you and say "you have a beautiful coat"?
Me: (dumbfounded)!!
peter pan
Me: Liam, what do you want to be when you grow up?
Liam: (Straight face, no hesitation) Small!
Me: (Perplexed) How small?
Liam: (Touching the top of his own head) Small,.. like me!
Me: (Presuming he didn't get the question right) Huh?
Liam: Small, like me, now! I don’t want to grow up! I want to be a little boy forEVER!
Me: Oh, Liam, but being a big man is fun too!
Liam: I don’t want to be a big man. A big man has to work and I just want to PLAY!
me and my shadow
Liam: (Compelling tone) Mammy, there’s something I want to ask you...
Me: What’s that, Liam?
Liam: (Staring into my eyes) Are you afraid of shadows?
Me: Well, that depends what kind of shadows they are...
Liam: Your own shadow!
Me: (Relieved) You don’t have to be afraid of your own shadow!
Liam: But I think it’s gonna get me. I comes right behind me… really big… closer and closer!!! I want it to go away!
Me: (Laughing openly)
Liam: What’s so funny?!
Me: It’s YOUR shadow! It’s attached to you! It’s never going to go away
Liam: But is it going to get me?
Me: No
Liam: (Happy enough) OK!
Liam: Mammy, I had a dream that I had no Mammy and no Daddy
Me: Aw no, love! And were you very sad?
Liam: Yes (thoughtful pause). And I was scared too. (Even more thoughtful pause). But it was only a dream!
the [Small]talkers...
Right now, Liam is going to take most of the limelight here but...
...as soon as they start conversing fluently with Jaime and I, Malachy and Lorcan will be [small]talking too..!
In the meantime, you can check us all out and our family exploits at The JamRobBlog!
starting to [small]talk...
[Small]talk is this new place I have created to record some of the little conversations I have with my 4-year-old son, Liam.
These quirky little conversations of ours can amuse me,
...entertain me,
baffle me,
enthrall me,
puzzle me,
...but they always beguile me.